Block Gzip Index File

Type: object

An index file for block Gzip-compressed files. This is usually produced by running samtools faidx on a bgzip-compressed FASTA file.

No Additional Properties

Type: string

The schema to use.

Type: object

Type: object

Location of additional metadata for this file, typically stored as a list (via the simple_list schema). Ommitted if no other metadata is provided.

Type: object

Type: string

Relative path of the resource from the root of the project directory.

Type: enum (of string)

Type of file. Local files should be present in the same project directory.

Must be one of:

  • "local"

Type: boolean Default: false

Is this a child document, only to be interpreted in the context of the parent document from which it is linked? This may have implications for search and metadata requirements.

Type: string

MD5 checksum for the file.

Type: string

Path to the file in the project directory.