Source code for sewerrat.query

from typing import Optional, List, Dict
import requests

from . import _utils as ut

[docs] def query(url, text: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[str] = None, after: Optional[int] = None, before: Optional[int] = None, number: int = 100) -> List[Dict]: """ Query the metadata in the SewerRat backend based on free text, the owner, creation time, etc. This function does not require filesystem access. Args: url: String containing the URL to the SewerRat REST API. text: String containing a free-text query, following the syntax described `here <>`_. If None, no filtering is applied based on the metadata text. user: String containing the name of the user who generated the metadata. If None, no filtering is applied based on the user. path: String containing any component of the path to the metadata file. If None, no filtering is applied based on the path. after: Integer containing a Unix time in seconds, where only files newer than ``after`` will be retained. If None, no filtering is applied to remove old files. before: Integer containing a Unix time in seconds, where only files older than ``before`` will be retained. If None, no filtering is applied to remove new files. number: Integer specifying the maximum number of results to return. Returns: List of dictionaries where each inner dictionary corresponds to a metadata file and contains: - ``path``, a string containing the path to the file. - ``user``, the identity of the file owner. - ``time``, the Unix time of most recent file modification. - ``metadata``, a list representing the JSON contents of the file. """ conditions = [] if text is not None: conditions.append({ "type": "text", "text": text }) if user is not None: conditions.append({ "type": "user", "user": user }) if path is not None: conditions.append({ "type": "path", "path": path }) if after is not None: conditions.append({ "type": "time", "time": int(after), "after": True }) if before is not None: conditions.append({ "type": "time", "time": int(before) }) if len(conditions) > 1: query = { "type": "and", "children": conditions } elif len(conditions) == 1: query = conditions[0] else: raise ValueError("at least one search filter must be present") stub = "/query?translate=true&limit=" + str(number) collected = [] while len(collected) < number: res = + stub + "&limit=" + str(number - len(collected)), json=query) if res.status_code >= 300: raise ut.format_error(res) payload = res.json() collected += payload["results"] if "next" not in payload: break stub = payload["next"] return collected