WARNING: this function is deprecated, use listObjects and loop over entries with readObject instead. As the title suggests, this function loads all non-child objects in a staging directory. All loading is performed using altLoadObject to respect any application-specific overrides. Children are used to assemble their parent objects and are not reported here.

loadDirectory(dir, redirect.action = c("from", "to", "both"))



String containing a path to a staging directory.


String specifying how redirects should be handled:

  • "to" will report an object at the redirection destination, not the redirection source.

  • "from" will report an object at the redirection source(s), not the destination.

  • "both" will report an object at both the redirection source(s) and destination.


A named list is returned containing all (non-child) R objects in dir.


Aaron Lun


tmp <- tempfile()

df <- DataFrame(A=1:10, B=LETTERS[1:10])
meta <- stageObject(df, tmp, path="whee")
writeMetadata(meta, tmp)
#> $type
#> [1] "local"
#> $path
#> [1] "whee/simple.csv.gz"

ll <- list(A=1, B=LETTERS, C=DataFrame(X=1:5))
meta <- stageObject(ll, tmp, path="stuff")
writeMetadata(meta, tmp)
#> $type
#> [1] "local"
#> $path
#> [1] "stuff/list.json.gz"

redirect <- createRedirection(tmp, "whoop", "whee/simple.csv.gz")
writeMetadata(redirect, tmp)
#> $type
#> [1] "local"
#> $path
#> [1] "whoop"

all.meta <- loadDirectory(tmp)
#> List of 2
#>  $ stuff/list.json.gz:List of 3
#>   ..$ A: num 1
#>   ..$ B: chr [1:26] "A" "B" "C" "D" ...
#>   ..$ C:Formal class 'DFrame' [package "S4Vectors"] with 6 slots
#>   .. .. ..@ rownames       : NULL
#>   .. .. ..@ nrows          : int 5
#>   .. .. ..@ elementType    : chr "ANY"
#>   .. .. ..@ elementMetadata: NULL
#>   .. .. ..@ metadata       : list()
#>   .. .. ..@ listData       :List of 1
#>   .. .. .. ..$ X: int [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5
#>  $ whoop             :Formal class 'DFrame' [package "S4Vectors"] with 6 slots
#>   .. ..@ rownames       : NULL
#>   .. ..@ nrows          : int 10
#>   .. ..@ elementType    : chr "ANY"
#>   .. ..@ elementMetadata: NULL
#>   .. ..@ metadata       : list()
#>   .. ..@ listData       :List of 2
#>   .. .. ..$ A: int [1:10] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
#>   .. .. ..$ B: chr [1:10] "A" "B" "C" "D" ...