Source code for dolomite_matrix.read_compressed_sparse_matrix

from typing import Dict, Any
import numpy
import os
import h5py
from hdf5array import Hdf5CompressedSparseMatrixSeed

from .DelayedMask import DelayedMask
from .ReloadedArray import ReloadedArray

[docs] def read_compressed_sparse_matrix(path: str, metadata: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs) -> ReloadedArray: """ Read a compressed sparse matrix from its on-disk representation. In general, this function should not be called directly but instead be dispatched via :py:meth:`~dolomite_base.read_object.read_object`. Args: path: Path to the directory containing the object. metadata: Metadata for this object. kwargs: Further arguments, ignored. Returns: A :py:class:`~dolomite_matrix.ReloadedArray.ReloadedArray` containing a HDF5-backed compressed sparse matrix as a seed. """ fpath = os.path.join(path, "matrix.h5") name = "compressed_sparse_matrix" with h5py.File(fpath, "r") as handle: ghandle = handle[name] dhandle = ghandle["data"] tt = ghandle.attrs["type"] dtype = None if tt == "boolean": dtype = numpy.dtype("bool") elif tt == "float": if not numpy.issubdtype(dhandle.dtype, numpy.floating): dtype = numpy.dtype("float64") layout = ghandle.attrs["layout"] if not isinstance(layout, str): layout = layout.decode("UTF8") shape = (*[int(y) for y in ghandle["shape"]],) placeholder = None if "missing-value-placeholder" in dhandle.attrs: placeholder = dhandle.attrs["missing-value-placeholder"] bycol = (layout == "CSC") if placeholder is None: seed = Hdf5CompressedSparseMatrixSeed(fpath, name, shape=shape, by_column = bycol, dtype = dtype) else: core = Hdf5CompressedSparseMatrixSeed(fpath, name, shape=shape, by_column = bycol) seed = DelayedMask(core, placeholder=placeholder, dtype=dtype) return ReloadedArray(seed, path)