Source code for dolomite_matrix.save_compressed_sparse_matrix

from typing import Any
from functools import singledispatch
from dolomite_base import save_object, validate_saves
from delayedarray import SparseNdarray, chunk_grid 
import os
import h5py
import numpy
import delayedarray

from . import _utils as ut
from . import _optimize_storage as optim

has_scipy = False
    import scipy.sparse
    has_scipy = True

def _choose_index_type(n: int) -> str:
    if n < 2**8:
        return "u1"
    elif n < 2**16:
        return "u2"
    elif n < 2**32: 
        return "u4"
        return "u8"


def _h5_write_sparse_matrix(x: Any, handle, details, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size):
    chunks = chunk_grid(x)
    chunks_per_col = len(chunks.boundaries[0])
    chunks_per_row = len(chunks.boundaries[1])

    # If we have to extract fewer chunks per column, we iterate by column to
    # create a CSC matrix. Otherwise we make a CSR matrix.
    if chunks_per_col < chunks_per_row:
        primary = 1
        secondary = 0
        handle.attrs["layout"] = "CSC"
        primary = 0
        secondary = 1
        handle.attrs["layout"] = "CSR"

    compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size = min(compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size, details.non_zero)
    dhandle = handle.create_dataset("data", shape = details.non_zero, dtype = details.type, compression = "gzip", chunks = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size)
    if details.placeholder is not None:
        dhandle.attrs.create("missing-value-placeholder", data = details.placeholder, dtype = details.type)

    masked = delayedarray.is_masked(x)
    block_size = max(int(compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size) // (x.dtype.itemsize * x.shape[secondary]), 1)
    limit = x.shape[primary]

    itype = _choose_index_type(x.shape[secondary])
    ihandle = handle.create_dataset("indices", shape = details.non_zero, dtype = itype, compression = "gzip", chunks = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size)
    indptrs = numpy.zeros(x.shape[primary] + 1, dtype = numpy.uint64)

    counter = 0
    subset = [None] * 2
    subset[secondary] = range(x.shape[secondary])

    for start in range(0, limit, block_size):
        end = min(limit, start + block_size)
        subset[primary] = range(start, end)
        block = delayedarray.extract_sparse_array(x, (*subset,))

        if block.contents is not None:
            # Sparse2darrays are always CSC, so if we need to save it as CSR,
            # we transpose it before we extract the contents.
            if primary == 0:
                block = block.T

            original = counter
            icollected = []
            dcollected = []

            for i, b in enumerate(block.contents):
                if b is not None:
                    counter += len(b[0])
                    vals = b[1]
                    if masked:
                        vals = ut.replace_mask_with_placeholder(vals, details.placeholder, dhandle.dtype)
                indptrs[start + i + 1] = counter

            # Collecting everything in memory for a single write operation, avoid
            # potential issues with writing/reloading partial chunks. 
            ihandle[original : counter] = numpy.concatenate(icollected)
            dhandle[original : counter] = numpy.concatenate(dcollected)

    handle.create_dataset("indptr", data=indptrs, dtype="u8", compression="gzip", chunks=True)

if has_scipy:
    def _write_compressed_sparse_matrix(x: Any, handle, details, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size, by_column): 
        if by_column:
            primary = 1
            secondary = 0
            handle.attrs["layout"] = "CSC"
            primary = 0
            secondary = 1
            handle.attrs["layout"] = "CSR"

        compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size = min(compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size, details.non_zero)
        itype = _choose_index_type(x.shape[secondary])
        handle.create_dataset("indices", data = x.indices, dtype = itype, compression = "gzip", chunks = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size)
        handle.create_dataset("indptr", data = x.indptr, dtype = "u8", compression = "gzip", chunks = True)

        # Currently, it seems like scipy's sparse matrices are not intended
        # to be masked, so we'll just ignore it completely.
        handle.create_dataset("data", data =, dtype = details.type, compression = "gzip", chunks = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size)

    def _h5_write_sparse_matrix_from_csc_matrix(x: scipy.sparse.csc_matrix, handle, details, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size,  compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size):
            compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size, 
            compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size, 
            by_column = True

    def _h5_write_sparse_matrix_from_csr_matrix(x: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, handle, details, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size):
            compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size, 
            compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size, 
            by_column = False


def _save_compressed_sparse_matrix(x: Any, path: str, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size: int = 10000, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size: int = 1e8, **kwargs):
    if len(x.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("only 2-dimensional sparse arrays are currently supported")

    with h5py.File(os.path.join(path, "matrix.h5"), "w") as handle:
        ghandle = handle.create_group("compressed_sparse_matrix")

        if numpy.issubdtype(x.dtype, numpy.integer):
            tt = "integer"
            opts = optim.optimize_integer_storage(x, buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size)
        elif numpy.issubdtype(x.dtype, numpy.floating):
            tt = "number"
            opts = optim.optimize_float_storage(x, buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size)
        elif x.dtype == numpy.bool_:
            tt = "boolean"
            opts = optim.optimize_boolean_storage(x, buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size)
            raise NotImplementedError("cannot save sparse matrix of type '" + + "'")

        ghandle.attrs["type"] = tt
        ghandle.create_dataset("shape", data = x.shape, dtype = "u8")
            handle = ghandle, 
            details = opts, 
            compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size,
            compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size

    with open(os.path.join(path, "OBJECT"), "w") as handle:
        handle.write('{ "type": "compressed_sparse_matrix", "compressed_sparse_matrix": { "version": "1.0" } }')

[docs] @save_object.register @validate_saves def save_compresssed_sparse_matrix_from_Sparse2darray(x: SparseNdarray, path: str, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size: int = 10000, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size: int = 1e8, **kwargs): """ Method for saving a :py:class:`~delayedarray.SparseNdarray.SparseNdarray` to disk, see :py:meth:`~dolomite_base.save_object.save_object` for details. Args: x: Object to be saved. path: Path to a directory to save ``x``. compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size Chunk size for the data and indices. Larger values improve compression at the potential cost of reducing random access efficiency. compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size: Size of the buffer in bytes, for blockwise processing and writing to file. Larger values improve speed at the cost of memory. kwargs: Further arguments, ignored. Returns: ``x`` is saved to ``path``. """ _save_compressed_sparse_matrix( x, path, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size, **kwargs )
if has_scipy:
[docs] @save_object.register @validate_saves def save_compresssed_sparse_matrix_from_scipy_csc_matrix(x: scipy.sparse.csc_matrix, path: str, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size: int = 10000, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size: int = 1e8, **kwargs): """ Method for saving :py:class:`~scipy.sparse.csc_matrix` objects to disk, see :py:meth:`~dolomite_base.stage_object.stage_object` for details. Args: x: Matrix to be saved. path: Path to a directory to save ``x``. compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size Chunk size for the data and indices. Larger values improve compression at the potential cost of reducing random access efficiency. compressed_sparse_matrix_cache_size: Size of the buffer in bytes, for blockwise processing and writing to file. Larger values improve speed at the cost of memory. kwargs: Further arguments, ignored. Returns: ``x`` is saved to ``path``. """ return _save_compressed_sparse_matrix( x, path, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size, **kwargs )
[docs] @save_object.register @validate_saves def save_compresssed_sparse_matrix_from_scipy_csr_matrix(x: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix, path: str, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size: int = 10000, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size: int = 1e8, **kwargs): """ Method for saving :py:class:`~scipy.sparse.csr_matrix` objects to disk, see :py:meth:`~dolomite_base.stage_object.stage_object` for details. Args: x: Matrix to be saved. path: Path to a directory to save ``x``. compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size Chunk size for the data and indices. Larger values improve compression at the potential cost of reducing random access efficiency. compressed_sparse_matrix_cache_size: Size of the buffer in bytes, for blockwise processing and writing to file. Larger values improve speed at the cost of memory. kwargs: Further arguments, ignored. Returns: ``x`` is saved to ``path``. """ return _save_compressed_sparse_matrix( x, path, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size, **kwargs )
[docs] @save_object.register @validate_saves def save_compresssed_sparse_matrix_from_scipy_coo_matrix(x: scipy.sparse.coo_matrix, path: str, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size: int = 10000, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size: int = 1e8, **kwargs): """ Method for saving :py:class:`~scipy.sparse.coo_matrix` objects to disk, see :py:meth:`~dolomite_base.stage_object.stage_object` for details. Args: x: Matrix to be saved. path: Path to a directory to save ``x``. compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size Chunk size for the data and indices. Larger values improve compression at the potential cost of reducing random access efficiency. compressed_sparse_matrix_cache_size: Size of the buffer in bytes, for blockwise processing and writing to file. Larger values improve speed at the cost of memory. kwargs: Further arguments, ignored. Returns: ``x`` is saved to ``path``. """ return _save_compressed_sparse_matrix( x, path, compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_chunk_size, compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size = compressed_sparse_matrix_buffer_size, **kwargs )