Recompute the quota usage of a project. This is useful on rare occasions where multiple simultaneous uploads cause the usage calculations to be out of sync.
refreshUsage(project, staging, url)
Numeric scalar specifying the total quota usage of this project, in bytes.
, to get the usage without recomputing it.
info <- startGobbler()
removeProject("test", info$staging, url=info$url) # start with a clean slate.
createProject("test", info$staging, url=info$url)
# Mocking up an upload.
src <- allocateUploadDirectory(info$staging)
write(file=file.path(src, "foo"), "BAR")
write(file=file.path(src, "whee"), "stuff")
uploadDirectory("test", "simple", "v1", src, staging=info$staging, url=info$url)
# Messing with the project usage:
write(file=file.path(info$registry, "test", "..usage"), '{ "total": 0 }')
fetchUsage("test", registry=info$registry)
#> [1] 0
# Fixing the project usage.
refreshUsage("test", staging=info$staging, url=info$url)
fetchUsage("test", registry=info$registry)
#> [1] 10