Source code for pygobbler.fetch_permissions

from typing import Dict, Any, Optional
import os
import json
import requests
from . import _utils as ut

[docs] def fetch_permissions( project: str, registry: str, url: str, asset: Optional[str] = None, force_remote: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Fetch permissions for a project. Args: project: Name of a project. registry: Path to the Gobbler registry. url: URL to the Gobbler REST API. Only used for remote queries. asset: Name of the asset inside the project. If supplied, permissions are returned for this asset rather than the entire project. force_remote: Whether to force a remote query via ``url``, even if the ``registry`` is present on the current filesystem. Returns: A dictionary containing the permissions for the ``project``. This contains ``owners``, a list of strings with the user IDs of the owners of this project; and ``uploaders``, a list of dictionaries where each dictionary has the following fields: - ``id``, string containing a user ID that is authorized to upload. - ``asset`` (optional), string containing the name of the asset that the uploader is allowed to upload to. If not present, there is no restriction on the uploaded asset name. - ``version`` (optional), string containing the name of the version that the uploader is allowed to upload to. If not present, there is no restriction on the uploaded version name. - ``until`` (optional), string containing the expiry date of this authorization in Internet Date/Time format. If not provided, the authorization does not expire. - ``trusted`` (optional), a boolean indicating whether the uploader is trusted. If not provided, defaults to ``False``. When ``asset = None``, the dictionary may also contain `global_write`, a boolean indicating whether global writes are supported. If ``True``, any user may create a new asset in this project, and each user can upload new versions to any asset they created under this mode. If ``asset`` is provided, the returned dictionary contains ``owners`` and ``uploaders`` to describe the owners and uploaders, respectively, for the specified ``asset``. """ use_registry = (os.path.exists(registry) and not force_remote) if asset is None: if use_registry: with open(os.path.join(registry, project, "..permissions"), "r") as f: perms = json.load(f) else: res = requests.get(url + "/fetch/" + project + "/..permissions") if res.status_code >= 300: raise ut.format_error(res) perms = res.json() else: perms = { "owners": [], "uploaders": [] } if use_registry: ppath = os.path.join(registry, project, asset, "..permissions") if os.path.exists(ppath): with open(ppath, "r") as f: perms = json.load(f) else: res = requests.get(url + "/fetch/" + project + "/" + asset + "/..permissions") if res.status_code != 404: if res.status_code >= 300: raise ut.format_error(res) perms = res.json() return perms