Source code for pygobbler.set_permissions

from typing import Optional, List
from . import _utils as ut
from . import fetch_permissions

[docs] def set_permissions( project: str, registry: str, staging: str, url: str, asset: Optional[str] = None, owners: Optional[List] = None, uploaders: Optional[List] = None, global_write: Optional[bool] = None, append: bool = True, ): """ Set the owner and uploader permissions for a project or an asset within a project. Args: project: Name of the project. registry: Path to the Gobbler registry. staging: Path to the staging directory. url: URL to the Gobbler REST API. asset: Name of the asset inside the project. If supplied, permissions are set on this asset rather than the entire project. owners: List of user IDs for owners of this project. If ``None``, no change is made to the existing owners in the project permissions. uploaders: List of dictionaries specifying the authorized uploaders for this project. Each dictionary should follow the same format as the ``uploaders`` field in the return value of :py:func:`~gobbler.fetch_permissions.fetch_permissions`. If ``None``, no change is made to the existing uploaders. global_write: Whether to enable global writes for this project, see the ``global_write`` field in the return value of :py:func:`~gobbler.fetch_permissions.fetch_permissions` for more details. If ``None``, no change is made to the global write status. Ignored if ``asset`` is provided. append: Whether ``owners`` and ``uploaders`` should be appended to the existing owners and uploaders, respectively. If ``False``, the ``owners`` and ``uploaders`` are used to replace the existing values in the project permissions. """ perms = {} if append: oldperms = fetch_permissions(project, asset=asset, registry=registry, url=url) if owners is not None: oldset = set(oldperms["owners"]) perms["owners"] = oldperms["owners"] + list(filter(lambda x : x not in oldset, owners)) if uploaders is not None: perms["uploaders"] = oldperms["uploaders"] + uploaders else: if owners is not None: perms["owners"] = owners if uploaders is not None: perms["uploaders"] = uploaders payload = { "project": project } if asset is not None: payload["asset"] = asset elif global_write is not None: perms["global_write"] = global_write payload["permissions"] = perms ut.dump_request(staging, url, "set_permissions", payload)