Source code for pygobbler.start_gobbler

from typing import Optional, Tuple
import tempfile
import requests
import os
from . import _utils as ut

test_staging = None
test_registry = None
test_port = None
test_process = None

[docs] def start_gobbler( staging: Optional[str] = None, registry: Optional[str] = None, port: Optional[int] = None, wait: float = 1, version: str = "0.3.7", overwrite: bool = False) -> Tuple[bool, str, str, str]: """ Start a test Gobbler service. Args: registry: Path to a registry directory. If None, a temporary directory is automatically created. staging: Path to a registry directory. If None, a temporary directory is automatically created. port: Port number for the Gobbler API to receive requests. If None, an open port is automatically chosen. wait: Number of seconds to wait for the service to initialize before use. version: Version of the service to run. overwrite: Whether to overwrite the existing Gobbler binary. Returns: A tuple indicating whether a new test service was created (or an existing instance was re-used), the path to the staging directory, the path to the registry, and the chosen URL. If a service is already running, this function is a no-op and the configuration details of the existing service will be returned. """ global test_staging global test_registry global test_process global test_port if test_process is not None: return False, test_staging, test_registry, "" + str(test_port) exe = _acquire_gobbler_binary(version, overwrite) _initialize_gobbler_process(exe, staging, registry, port) import time time.sleep(wait) # give it some time to spin up. return True, test_staging, test_registry, "" + str(test_port)
def _acquire_gobbler_binary(version: str, overwrite: bool): import platform sysname = platform.system() if sysname == "Darwin": OS = "darwin" elif sysname == "Linux": OS = "linux" else: raise ValueError("unsupported operating system '" + sysname + "'") sysmachine = platform.machine() if sysmachine == "arm64": arch = "arm64" elif sysmachine == "x86_64": arch = "amd64" else: raise ValueError("unsupported architecture '" + sysmachine + "'") import appdirs cache = appdirs.user_data_dir("gobbler", "aaron") desired = "gobbler-" + OS + "-" + arch exe = os.path.join(cache, desired + "-" + version) if not os.path.exists(exe) or overwrite: import shutil url = "" + version + "/" + desired os.makedirs(cache, exist_ok=True) tmp = exe + ".tmp" with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r: if r.status_code >= 300: raise ut.format_error(r) with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) os.chmod(tmp, 0o755) # Using a write-and-rename paradigm to provide some atomicity. Note # that renaming doesn't work across different filesystems so in that # case we just fall back to copying. try: shutil.move(tmp, exe) except: shutil.copy(tmp, exe) return exe def _initialize_gobbler_process(exe: str, staging: Optional[str], registry: Optional[str], port: Optional[int]): if staging is None: staging = tempfile.mkdtemp() global test_staging test_staging = staging if registry is None: registry = tempfile.mkdtemp() global test_registry test_registry = registry if port is None: import socket with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET) as s: s.bind(('', 0)) port = s.getsockname()[1] global test_port test_port = port import getpass user = getpass.getuser() import subprocess global test_process test_process = subprocess.Popen([ exe, "-admin", user, "-registry", registry, "-staging", staging, "-port", str(port) ], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) import atexit atexit.register(stop_gobbler) return
[docs] def stop_gobbler(): """ Stop any gobbler test service started by :py:func:`~.start_gobbler`. If no test service was running, this function is a no-op. """ global test_process if test_process is not None: test_process.terminate() test_process = None return