Source code for pygobbler.upload_directory

from typing import Optional
import os
from . import allocate_upload_directory
from . import _utils as ut

[docs] def upload_directory(project: str, asset: str, version: str, directory: str, staging: str, url: str, probation: bool = False, consume: Optional[bool] = None, ignore_dot: bool = True): """ Upload a directory as a new versioned asset of a project in the registry. Args: project: The name of an existing project. asset: The name of a new or existing asset in ``project``. version: The name of a new version of ``asset``. directory: Path to a directory to be uploaded. For best performace, this should be a subdirectory of ``staging``, e.g., as created by :py:func:`~.allocate_upload_directory`. staging: Path to the staging directory. url: URL for the Gobbler REST API. probation: Whether to upload a probational version. consume: Whether the contents of ``directory`` can be consumed by the upload process. If true, the Gobbler will attempt to move files from ``directory`` into the registry. Otherwise, the contents of ``directory`` will not be modified by the upload. Defaults to true if the contents of ``directory`` need to be copied to ``staging``. ignore_dot: Whether to skip dotfiles in ``directory`` during upload. """ directory = os.path.normpath(directory) staging = os.path.normpath(staging) in_staging = False tmpd = directory while len(tmpd) > len(staging): tmpd = os.path.dirname(tmpd) if tmpd == staging: in_staging = True break if not in_staging: newdir = allocate_upload_directory(staging) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for f in files: src = os.path.join(root, f) rel = os.path.relpath(src, directory) dest = os.path.join(newdir, rel) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dest), exist_ok=True) slink = "" if os.path.islink(src): slink = os.readlink(src) if slink == "": _link_or_copy(src, dest) elif _is_absolute_or_local_link(slink, rel): os.symlink(slink, dest) else: full_src = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src), slink)) _link_or_copy(full_src, dest) directory = newdir if consume is None: consume = not in_staging req = { "source": os.path.basename(directory), "project": project, "asset": asset, "version": version, "on_probation": probation, "consume": consume, "ignore_dot": ignore_dot } ut.dump_request(staging, url, "upload", req) return
def _is_absolute_or_local_link(target: str, link_path: str) -> bool: if os.path.isabs(target): return True # Both 'target' and 'link_path' should be relative at this point, so the # idea is to check whether 'os.path.join(os.path.dirname(link_path), # target)' is still a child of 'os.path.dirname(link_path)'. pre_length = len(link_path.split("/")) - 1 post_fragments = target.split("/")[:-1] for x in post_fragments: if x == ".": continue elif x == "..": pre_length -= 1 if pre_length < 0: return False else: pre_length += 1 return True def _link_or_copy(src: str, dest: str): try:, dest) except: import shutil shutil.copy(src, dest)