Interacting with the gypsum REST API

Reading files

gypsum_client provides several convenience methods for reading from the gypsum bucket:

import gypsum_client as gpc

gpc.list_versions("test-R", "basic")
gpc.list_files("test-R", "basic", "v1")

out = gpc.save_file("test-R", "basic", "v1", "blah.txt")
with open(out, 'r') as file:

dir = gpc.save_version("test-R", "basic", "v1")
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
    for name in files:
        print(os.path.join(root, name))

We can fetch the summaries and manifests for each version of a project’s assets.

gpc.fetch_manifest("test-R", "basic", "v1")
gpc.fetch_summary("test-R", "basic", "v1")

We can get the latest version of an asset:

gpc.fetch_latest("test-R", "basic")

All read operations involve a publicly accessible bucket so no authentication is required.

Uploading files

Basic usage

To demonstrate, let’s say we have a directory of files that we wish to upload to the backend.

import tempfile
import os

tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()

with open(os.path.join(tmp, "foo"), "w") as file:

with open(os.path.join(tmp, "bar"), "w") as file:

with open(os.path.join(tmp, "whee"), "w") as file:
    file.write("\n".join(map(str, range(1, 11))))

We run the upload sequence of start_upload(), upload_files() and complete_upload(). This requires authentication via GitHub, which is usually prompted but can also be set beforehand via set_access_token() (e.g., for batch jobs).

    init = gpc.start_upload(
        files=[os.path.relpath(f, tmp) for f in os.listdir(tmp)],
    gpc.upload_files(init, directory=tmp)
except Exception as e:
    gpc.abort_upload(init)  # clean up if the upload fails.
    raise e

We can also set concurrent= to parallelize the uploads in upload_files().

Changing permissions

Upload authorization is determined by each project’s permissions, which are controlled by project owners. Both uploaders and owners are identified based on their GitHub logins:


Owners can add more uploaders (or owners) via the set_permissions() function. Uploaders can be scoped to individual assets or versions, and an expiry date may be attached to each authorization:

            "id": "jkanche",
            "until": ( + datetime.timedelta(days=1)).
            "asset": "jays-happy-fun-time",
            "version": "1"

Organizations may also be added in the permissions, in which case the authorization extends to all members of that organization.

Probational uploads

Unless specified otherwise, all uploaders are considered to be “untrusted”. Any uploads from such untrusted users are considered “probational” and must be approved by the project owners before they are considered complete. Alternatively, an owner may reject an upload, which deletes all the uploaded files from the backend.

gpc.approve_probation("test-R", "third-party-upload", "good")
gpc.reject_probation("test-R", "third-party-upload", "bad")

An uploader can be trusted by setting trusted=True in set_permissions(). Owners and trusted uploaders may still perform probational uploads (e.g., for testing) by setting probation=True in start_upload().

Inspecting the quota

Each project has a quota that specifies how much storage space is available for uploaders. The quota is computed as a linear function of baseline + growth_rate * (NOW - year), which provides some baseline storage that grows over time.


Once the project’s contents exceed this quota, all uploads are blocked. The current usage of the project can be easily inspected:


Changes to the quota must be performed by administrators, see below.

Validating metadata

Databases can operate downstream of the gypsum backend to create performant search indices, usually based on special metadata files. gypsum_client provides some utilities to check that metadata follows the JSON schema of some known downstream databases.

schema = gpc.fetch_metadata_schema()
with open(schema, 'r') as file:

Uploaders can verify that their metadata respects this schema via the validate_metadata() function. This ensures that the uploaded files can be successfully indexed by the database, given that the gypsum backend itself applies no such checks.

metadata = {
    "title": "Fatherhood",
    "description": "Luke ich bin dein Vater.",
    "sources": [
        {"provider": "GEO", "id": "GSE12345"}
    "taxonomy_id": ["9606"],
    "genome": ["GRCm38"],
    "maintainer_name": "Darth Vader",
    "maintainer_email": "",
    "bioconductor_version": "3.10"

gpc.validate_metadata(metadata, schema)


Administrators of the gypsum instance can create projects with new permissions:

            "id": "LTLA", 
            "asset": "aarons-stuff"

They can alter the quota parameters for a project:

    baseline=10 * 2**30,
    growth=5 * 2**30

Further Information

Check out: