Remove a version of an asset of a project from the registry. This should only be performed by Gobbler instance administrators, who should consider running rerouteLinks beforehand to avoid dangling references to this version.

removeVersion(project, asset, version, staging, url, force = FALSE)



String specifying the project containing the version of the asset to remove.


String specifying the asset containing the version to remove.


String containing the version of the asset to remove.


String containing the path to the staging directory.


String containing the URL of the gobbler REST API.


Logical scalar indicating that the asset should be forcibly removed if it contains invalid files. If this needs to be set to TRUE, users may need to call refreshUsage to correct project-level usage statistics. Similarly, refreshLatest may also need to be called.


NULL is invisibly returned if the version was successfully removed.

See also

removeProject and removeAsset, to remove a project or asset.

rerouteLinks, to reroute links to this version's contents prior to deletion.


Aaron Lun


info <- startGobbler()
removeProject("test", info$staging, url=info$url) # start with a clean slate.
createProject("test", info$staging, url=info$url)

# Mocking up a version if it doesn't already exist.
src <- allocateUploadDirectory(info$staging)
write(file=file.path(src, "foo"), "BAR")
uploadDirectory("test", "simple", "v1", src, staging=info$staging, url=info$url)
listVersions("test", "simple", registry=info$registry)
#> [1] "v1"

# Removing the version.
removeVersion("test", "simple", "v1", staging=info$staging, url=info$url)
listVersions("test", "simple", registry=info$registry)
#> character(0)