Source code for gypsum_client.auth

import os
import time
from typing import Optional, Union

import requests
from filelock import FileLock

from ._github import github_access_token
from ._utils import _is_interactive, _remove_slash_url
from .cache_directory import cache_directory
from .config import REQUESTS_MOD
from .rest_url import rest_url

__author__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__license__ = "MIT"


def _token_cache_path(cache_dir):
    return os.path.join(cache_dir, "credentials", "token.txt")

[docs] def access_token( full: bool = False, request: bool = True, cache_dir: Optional[str] = cache_directory(), token_expiration_limit: int = 10, ) -> Optional[Union[str, dict]]: """Get GitHub access token for authentication to the gypsum API's. Example: .. code-block:: python token = access_token() Args: full: Whether to return the full token details. Defaults to False, only ``token`` is returned. request: Whether to request a new token if no token is found or the current token is expired. Defaults to True. cache_dir: Path to the cache directory to store tokens. Can be set to `None`, indicating token is not cached to disk. token_expiration_limit: Integer specifying the number of seconds until the token expires. Returns: If `full=False` A string specifying the GitHub token to access gypsum's resources. If `full=True` retuns a dicionary containing the full token details. """ global TOKEN_CACHE def _token_func(x): return x["token"] if not full else x in_memory = TOKEN_CACHE.get("auth_info", None) if in_memory is not None: if in_memory["expires"] > time.time() + token_expiration_limit: return _token_func(in_memory) else: TOKEN_CACHE["auth_info"] = None if cache_dir is not None: cache_path = _token_cache_path(cache_dir) if os.path.exists(cache_path): _lock = FileLock(cache_path + ".LOCK") with _lock: with open(cache_path, "r") as file: dump = if len(dump) > 0: exp = float(dump[2]) if exp > time.time() + token_expiration_limit: info = {"token": dump[0], "name": dump[1], "expires": exp} TOKEN_CACHE["auth_info"] = info return _token_func(info) else: os.unlink(cache_path) if request: payload = set_access_token(cache_dir=cache_dir) return _token_func(payload) if payload else None else: return None
TOKEN_AUTO = "auto"
[docs] def set_access_token( token: str = TOKEN_AUTO, app_url: str = rest_url(), app_key: Optional[str] = None, app_secret: Optional[str] = None, github_url: str = "", user_agent: Optional[str] = None, cache_dir: Optional[str] = cache_directory(), ) -> dict: """Set GitHub access token for authentication to the gypsum API's. Args: token: A String containing Github's personal access token. app_url: URL to the gypsum REST API. app_key: Key to the GitHub oauth app. app_secret: Secret to the GitHub oauth app. github_url: URL to GitHub's API. user_agent: Specify the user agent for queries to various endpoints. cache_dir: Path to the cache directory to store tokens. Defaults to None, indicating token is not cached to disk. Returns: Dictionary containing the following keys: - ``token``, a string containing the token. - ``name``, the name of the GitHub user authenticated by the token. - ``expires``, the Unix time at which the token expires. """ global TOKEN_CACHE cache_path = None if cache_dir is not None: cache_path = _token_cache_path(cache_dir) if token is None: TOKEN_CACHE["auth_info"] = None if cache_path is not None: os.unlink(cache_path) return if token is TOKEN_AUTO: if not _is_interactive(): raise Exception( "Running in non-interactive mode. Set the token manually using `set_access_token`." ) if not app_key or not app_secret: _url = f"{_remove_slash_url(app_url)}/credentials/github-app" headers = {} if user_agent: headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent r = requests.get(_url, headers=headers, verify=REQUESTS_MOD["verify"]) try: r.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Failed to get access credentials from gypsum, {r.status_code} and reason: {r.text}" ) from e _info = r.json() app_key = _info["id"] app_secret = _info["secret"] token = github_access_token( client_id=app_key, client_secret=app_secret, authorization_url="", token_url="", ) if token is None: raise ValueError("'token' cannot be 'None'.") headers = {} if user_agent: headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {token}" token_req = requests.get( f"{_remove_slash_url(github_url)}/user", headers=headers, verify=REQUESTS_MOD["verify"], ) try: token_req.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Failed to access token from GitHub, {token_req.status_code} and reason: {token_req.text}" ) from e token_resp = token_req.json() name = token_resp["login"] expires_header = token_req.headers.get("github-authentication-token-expiration") expiry = float("inf") if expires_header is not None: expiry = float(expires_header.split(" ")[0]) if cache_dir is not None: cache_path = _token_cache_path(cache_dir) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(cache_path), exist_ok=True) _lock = FileLock(cache_path + ".LOCK") with _lock: with open(cache_path, "w") as file: file.write("\n".join([token, name, str(expiry)])) os.chmod( cache_path, 0o600 ) # prevent anyone else from reading this on shared file systems. vals = {"token": token, "name": name, "expires": expiry} TOKEN_CACHE["auth_info"] = vals return vals