Source code for gypsum_client.create_operations

from typing import List, Union
from urllib.parse import quote_plus

import requests

from ._utils import _remove_slash_url, _sanitize_uploaders
from .auth import access_token
from .config import REQUESTS_MOD
from .rest_url import rest_url

__author__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] def create_project( project: str, owners: Union[str, List[str]], uploaders: List[str] = [], baseline: int = None, growth_rate: int = None, year: int = None, url: str = rest_url(), token: str = None, ): """Create a new project with the associated permissions. See Also: :py:func:`~gypsum_client.remove_operations.remove_project`, to remove the project. Example: .. code-block:: python createProject( "test-Py-create", owners="jkanche", uploaders=[{"id": "ArtifactDB-bot"}] ) Args: project: Project name. owners: List of GitHub users or organizations that are owners of this project. May also be a string containing the Github user or organization. uploaders: List of authorized uploaders for this project. Defaults to an empty list. Checkout :py:func:`~gypsum_client.fetch_assets.fetch_permissions` for more info. baseline: Baseline quote in bytes. growth_rate: Expected annual growth rate in bytes. year: Year of project creation. url: URL to the gypsum REST API. token: GitHub access token to authenticate with the gypsum REST API. The token must refer to a gypsum administrator account. """ url = _remove_slash_url(url) uploaders = _sanitize_uploaders(uploaders) if uploaders is not None else [] if token is None: token = access_token() quota = {} if baseline is not None: quota["baseline"] = baseline if growth_rate is not None: quota["growth_rate"] = growth_rate if year is not None: quota["year"] = year if isinstance(owners, str): owners = [owners] body = {"permissions": {"owners": owners, "uploaders": uploaders}} if len(quota) > 0: body["quota"] = quota req = f"{url}/create/{quote_plus(project)}", json=body, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + token}, verify=REQUESTS_MOD["verify"], ) try: req.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Failed to create a project, {req.status_code} and reason: {req.text}" ) from e