Source code for gypsum_client.fetch_operations

import os

from ._utils import (
from .cache_directory import cache_directory
from .rest_url import rest_url

__author__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] def fetch_latest(project: str, asset: str, url: str = rest_url()) -> str: """Fetch the latest version of a project's asset. See Also: :py:func:`~gypsum_client.refresh_operations.refresh_latest`, to refresh the latest version. Example: .. code-block:: python ver = fetch_latest("test-R", "basic") Args: project: Project name. asset: Asset name. url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: Latest version of the project. """ resp = _fetch_json(f"{project}/{asset}/..latest", url=url) return resp["version"]
[docs] def fetch_manifest( project: str, asset: str, version: str, cache_dir: str = cache_directory(), overwrite: bool = False, url: str = rest_url(), ) -> dict: """Fetch the manifest for a version of an asset of a project. Example: .. code-block:: python manifest = fetch_manifest("test-R", "basic", "v1") Args: project: Project name. asset: Asset name. version: Version name. cache_dir: Path to the cache directory. overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing file in cache. url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: Dictionary containing the manifest for this version. Each element is named after the relative path of a file in this version. The value of each element is another list with the following fields: - ``size``, an integer specifying the size of the file in bytes. - ``md5sum``, a string containing the hex-encoded MD5 checksum of the file. - Optional ``link``, a list specifying the link destination for a file. This contains the strings ``project``, ``asset``, ``version`` and ``path``. If the link destination is itself a link, an ``ancestor`` list will be present that specifies the final location of the file after resolving all intermediate links. """ return _fetch_cacheable_json( project, asset, version, "..manifest", url=url, cache=cache_dir, overwrite=overwrite, )
[docs] def fetch_permissions(project: str, url: str = rest_url()) -> dict: """Fetch the permissions for a project. See Also: :py:func:`~gypsum_client.set_operations.set_permissions`, to update or modify the permissions. Example: .. code-block:: python perms = fetch_permissions("test-R") Args: project: Project name. url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: Dictionary containing the permissions for this project: - ``owners``, a character vector containing the GitHub users or organizations that are owners of this project. - ``uploaders``, a list of lists specifying the users or organizations who are authorzied to upload to this project. Each entry is a list with the following fields: - ``id``, a string containing the GitHub user or organization that is authorized to upload. - Optional ``asset``, a string containing the name of the asset that the uploader is allowed to upload to. If not provided, there is no restriction on the uploaded asset name. - Optional ``version``, a string containing the name of the version that the uploader is allowed to upload to.If not provided, there is no restriction on the uploaded version name. - Optional ``until``a POSIXct object containing the expiry date of this authorization. If not provided, the authorization does not expire. - Optional ``trusted``, whether the uploader is trusted. If not provided, defaults to False. """ perms = _fetch_json(f"{project}/..permissions", url=url) for i, val in enumerate(perms["uploaders"]): if "until" in val: perms["uploaders"][i]["until"] = _cast_datetime(val["until"]) return perms
[docs] def fetch_quota(project: str, url: str = rest_url()) -> dict: """Fetch the quota details for a project. See Also: :py:func:`~gypsum_client.set_operations.set_quota`, to update or modify the quota. Example: .. code-block:: python quota = fetch_quota("test-R") Args: project: Project name. url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: Dictionary containing ``baseline``, the baseline quota at time zero in bytes; ``growth_rate``, the annual growth rate for the quota in bytes; ``year``, the creation year (i.e., time zero) for this project. """ return _fetch_json(f"{project}/..quota", url=url)
[docs] def fetch_summary( project: str, asset: str, version: str, cache_dir: str = cache_directory(), overwrite: bool = False, url: str = rest_url(), ) -> dict: """Fetch the summary for a version of an asset of a project. Example: .. code-block:: python summa = fetch_summary("test-R", "basic", "v1") Args: project: Project name. asset: Asset name. version: Version name. cache_dir: Path to the cache directory. overwrite: Whether to overwrite existing file in cache. url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: Dictionary containing the summary for this version, with the following fields: - ``upload_user_id``, string containing the identity of the uploader. - ``upload_start``, a POSIXct object containing the upload start time. - ``upload_finish``, a POSIXct object containing the upload finish time. - ``on_probation`` (optional), a logical scalar indicating whether the upload is probational. If missing, this can be assumed to be False. """ _out = _fetch_cacheable_json( project, asset, version, "..summary", cache=cache_dir, overwrite=overwrite, url=url, ) _out["upload_start"] = _cast_datetime(_out["upload_start"]) _out["upload_finish"] = _cast_datetime(_out["upload_finish"]) if "on_probation" in _out: if _out["on_probation"] is True and cache_dir is not None: _out_path = os.path.join( cache_dir, BUCKET_CACHE_NAME, project, asset, version, "..summary" ) os.unlink(_out_path) return _out
[docs] def fetch_usage(project: str, url: str = rest_url()) -> int: """Fetch the quota usage for a project. See Also: :py:func:`~gypsum_client.refresh_operations.refresh_usage`, to refresh usage details. Example: .. code-block:: python usage = fetch_usage("test-R") Args: project: Project name. url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: Quota usage for the project, in bytes. """ _usage = _fetch_json(f"{project}/..usage", url=url) return _usage["total"]