Source code for gypsum_client.list_operations

import requests

from ._utils import _list_for_prefix
from .config import REQUESTS_MOD
from .rest_url import rest_url

__author__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] def list_projects(url: str = rest_url()) -> list: """List all projects in the gypsum backend. Example: .. code-block:: python all_prjs = list_projects() Args: url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: List of project names. """ return _list_for_prefix(prefix=None, url=url)
[docs] def list_assets(project: str, url: str = rest_url()) -> list: """List all assets in a project. Example: .. code-block:: python all_assets = list_assets("test-R") Args: project: Project name. url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: List of asset names. """ return _list_for_prefix(f"{project}/", url=url)
[docs] def list_versions(project: str, asset: str, url: str = rest_url()) -> list: """List all versions for a project asset. Example: .. code-block:: python all_vers = list_versions("test-R", "basic") Args: project: Project name. asset: Asset name. url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: List of versions. """ return _list_for_prefix(f"{project}/{asset}/", url=url)
[docs] def list_files( project: str, asset: str, version: str, prefix: str = None, include_dot: bool = True, url: str = rest_url(), ) -> list: """List all files for a specified version of a project and asset. Example: .. code-block:: python all_files = list_files("test-R", "basic", "v1") Args: project: Project name. asset: Asset name. version: Version name. prefix: Prefix for the object key. If provided. a file is only listed if its object key starts with ``{project}/{asset}/{version}/{prefix}``. Defaults to None and all associated files with this version of the asset in the specified project are listed. include_dot: Whether to list files with ``..`` in their names. url: URL to the gypsum compatible API. Returns: List of relative paths of files associated with the versioned asset. """ _prefix = f"{project}/{asset}/{version}/" _trunc = len(_prefix) if prefix is not None: _prefix = f"{_prefix}{prefix}" req = requests.get( f"{url}/list", params={"recursive": "true", "prefix": _prefix}, verify=REQUESTS_MOD["verify"], ) try: req.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Failed to list files in a project, {req.status_code} and reason: {req.text}" ) from e resp = req.json() resp = [val[_trunc:] for val in resp] if prefix is not None: resp = [val for val in resp if val.startswith(prefix)] if include_dot is False: resp = [val for val in resp if not val.startswith("..")] return resp