Source code for gypsum_client.remove_operations

from urllib.parse import quote_plus

import requests

from ._utils import _remove_slash_url
from .auth import access_token
from .rest_url import rest_url

__author__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__copyright__ = "Jayaram Kancherla"
__license__ = "MIT"

[docs] def remove_asset(project: str, asset: str, url: str = rest_url(), token: str = None): """Remove an asset of a project from the gypsum backend. See Also: :py:func:`~.remove_project`, to remove a project. :py:func:`~.remove_version`, to remove a specific version. Example: .. code-block:: python # Mock a project init = start_upload( project="test-Py-remove", asset="mock-remove", version="v1", files=[], ) complete_upload(init) remove_asset("test-Py-remove", "mock-remove") Args: project: Project name. asset: Asset name. url: URL of the gypsum REST API. token: GitHub access token to authenticate to the gypsum REST API. The token must refer to a gypsum administrator account. Returns: True if asset was successfully removed. """ if token is None: token = access_token() _key = f"{quote_plus(project)}/{quote_plus(asset)}" _request_removal(_key, url=url, token=token) return True
[docs] def remove_project(project: str, url: str = rest_url(), token: str = None): """Remove a project from the gypsum backend. See Also: :py:func:`~gypsum_client.create_operations.create_project`, to create a project. :py:func:`~.remove_asset`, to remove a specific asset. :py:func:`~.remove_version`, to remove a specific version. Example: .. code-block:: python create_project("test-Py-remove", owners=["jkanche"]) remove_project("test-Py-remove") Args: project: Project name. url: URL of the gypsum REST API. token: GitHub access token to authenticate to the gypsum REST API. The token must refer to a gypsum administrator account. Returns: True if the project was successfully removed. """ if token is None: token = access_token() _key = f"{quote_plus(project)}" _request_removal(_key, url=url, token=token) return True
[docs] def remove_version( project: str, asset: str, version: str, url: str = rest_url(), token: str = None, ): """Remove a project from the gypsum backend. See Also: :py:func:`~.remove_asset`, to remove a specific asset. :py:func:`~.remove_version`, to remove a specific version. Example: .. code-block:: python # Mock a project init = start_upload( project="test-Py-remove", asset="mock-remove", version="v1", files=[], ) complete_upload(init) remove_version("test-Py-remove", "mock-remove", "v1") Args: project: Project name. asset: Asset name. version: Version name. url: URL of the gypsum REST API. token: GitHub access token to authenticate to the gypsum REST API. Returns: True if the version of the project was successfully removed. """ if token is None: token = access_token() _key = f"{quote_plus(project)}/{quote_plus(asset)}/{quote_plus(version)}" _request_removal(_key, url=url, token=token) return True
def _request_removal(suffix: str, url: str, token: str): url = _remove_slash_url(url) headers = {} headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {token}" req = requests.delete(f"{url}/remove/{suffix}", headers=headers) try: req.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: raise Exception( f"Failed to remove assets in the project, {req.status_code} and reason: {req.text}" ) from e return True